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 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

January 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 4:38 am
 Reasons to Schedule Dental Checkups Early in the Year

When it comes to caring for our smiles, we all know how important it is to brush twice per day and floss every night. This is key to keeping our smiles problem-free and looking their best. Visiting the dentist for biannual dental checkups and cleanings is also incredibly important. Though any time of the year is a good time to care for your beam, there are several additional benefits to seeing your dentist at the beginning. Keep reading to learn about four great reasons why you should schedule dental checkups early in the year.

#1: Do It While You Have Time

At the beginning of the year, many people are busy preparing to go back to work or school after the holidays. This makes it the perfect time to set up a dental visit. You’re more likely to find your ideal appointment time and won’t have to worry about taking any time off.

#2: Catch Problems Early On

Neglecting to see your dentist every six months raises your risk of developing dental health issues. Seeing them at the start of the year offers extra benefits since it allows them to catch issues early on. This will prevent cavities, gum disease, and other problems from getting out of hand.

#3: Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits

Most dental insurance plans fully cover two preventive cleanings and checkups each year. Unfortunately, many people don’t take advantage of this benefit. Seeing your dentist for dental checkups and cleanings early in the year means that you will reach two appointments before the end of the year.

This also allows you to reach your deductible sooner, which is the amount of money that you’re responsible for paying before any of your dental treatments are covered by insurance. Because of this, you will be more likely to receive coverage on treatments down the line.

#4: Get Started on New Dental Habits

Along with the above reasons to set up dental checkups early in the year, this will also help your smile in the long run. While visiting your dentist, they will let you know if there is anything you can work on as far as your oral health is concerned. This may include brushing or flossing better, dropping bad oral habits, improving your diet, and more.

About the Practice

Dr. Barry Franzen and his team at Milwaukee Dental Implants take pride in what they do. They provide patients with several high-quality, effective treatments to help them keep their smiles on the right track. They administer effective checkups and cleanings and can give you tips on how to better care for your pearly whites. Visit Milwaukee Dental Implants’ website or call their office at (414) 543-5432 for more information or to set up an appointment.

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