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3 Tooth Extraction Myths That Need to Stop

August 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 12:47 pm
Female patient about to undergo tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is actually a very common dental procedure. Despite this fact, there are a lot of misconceptions about the process. Some people avoid it thinking it will be excessively painful while others seek it unnecessarily believing it’s their only option. Understanding the facts about the services that your dentist offers will help you make better decisions regarding your oral health. This post explores the truth behind 3 common myths about tooth extraction.


What Does a Tooth Extraction Actually Feel Like?

July 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 2:25 pm
dentist holding a tooth in a dental instrument after performing a tooth extraction

As far as tooth replacements have come in recent years, nothing is better than your natural teeth. That’s why in most cases, dentists will only recommend extracting a tooth if nothing can be done to salvage it. Getting a tooth pulled might sound a bit scary, especially if you’ve never undergone the procedure before. Rest assured that your dentist will their utmost to make sure you’re comfortable every step of the way! Keep reading to find out what a tooth extraction actually feels like and how to ensure a smooth recovery.


What Is the Difference Between Partial Dentures and Dental Bridges?

June 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 2:57 pm
partial denture replacing several missing teeth at once

Dental technology has come so far in just a few decades. These days, more and more people are retaining their natural teeth for much longer than they used to. However, tooth loss is still a common issue. If you’re looking for a way to replace multiple missing teeth, you’ve probably heard about dental bridges or partial dentures. While these options share many similarities, they each have their own unique characteristics. Read on to discover the difference between partial dentures and dental bridges – and how to find out which solution is right for you!


Implant Dentures vs All on 4: Which is Right for You?

May 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 1:14 pm
Illustration of dentures and all-on-4 implants

Implant-supported dentures, or implant dentures for short, are becoming increasingly popular among those who are tired of living with poor-fitting dentures that can make eating and speaking in public embarrassing. But what many may not realize is that there’s a similar yet decidedly distinct alternative: All-on-4 dentures. Both treatments combine the utility of dentures with the strength and stability of dental implants, yet there are a couple of key details that make them very different from each other – and could make one a significantly better choice for restoring your own smile.


How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

March 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 4:06 am

Woman holding denture in Milwaukee.If you’ve lost all your teeth in one arch, a denture in Milwaukee is a great solution to rebuild your smile. Dentures have undergone several improvements over the years to enhance their fit and aesthetics. You’ll enjoy a convenient option, but how long will the process take? Here’s what you need to know about the road ahead to bring back a beautiful smile.


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