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Why to Be Thankful for Dental Implants

November 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Barry Franzen @ 10:27 am
A close-up of dental implants in a model jaw

As Thanksgiving gets closer, you’re likely getting into the holiday spirit. In particular, you may be thinking of things you want to give thanks for this year — family, friends, home, etc. Whatever else you put on this list of gratitude, though, consider adding dental implants as well. After all, these prosthetics offer many benefits that improve your quality of life. To learn these perks, just listen to your reliable Milwaukee dentist. Here’s a summary of four big reasons to be thankful for dental implants over the holidays. 

They Boost Your Confidence

If you’ve ever had missing teeth, you know how self-conscious they can make you. After all, smile gaps hurt your look and are thus a source of insecurity. Left unchecked, they might severely lower your body image and even cause depression.

Fortunately, dental implants resolve such issues. By giving you a smile that looks and feels natural, they raise your self-confidence in social situations. As a result, the implants improve your relationships, job prospects, and so on.

They Make You Look Younger

Did you know tooth loss ages your face? Without pearly whites to stimulate it, your jaw will slowly lose bone tissue over time. As that happens, you’ll eventually suffer facial collapse — a condition that makes your face look hollow and sunken.

As it turns out, implants prevent facial collapse. Since they naturally fuse with your jawbone, they stimulate and maintain its bone tissue. Consequently, the restorations keep your face looking youthful.

They Help You Eat & Speak

Of course, smile gaps do more than hurt your appearance. The fewer teeth you have, the harder it becomes to chew food and speak. Dentures aren’t great at fixing these problems, either, as they can slip and fall out of your mouth.

With implants, however, things change. These prosthetics are durable and secure, so they restore much of your chewing ability. Plus, they’re easy to speak since they stay firmly in place.

They’re Easy to Maintain

Unlike what you might think, dental implants are easily maintained. To care for them, you only need to clean them like your natural teeth. In other words, just brush twice daily, floss once daily, and rinse as needed with mouthwash. From there, simply visit your dentist for regular dental checkups and cleanings. That way, they can diagnose and treat issues that would threaten your implants in the future. In the end, dental implants really are something to be grateful for. Since that’s the case, remember the benefits above as you celebrate this year’s Thanksgiving!

About the Author

Dr. Barry R. Franzen is a dentist based in Milwaukee, WI, having earned his DDS from the Marquette University School of Dentistry. His peers have chosen him as one of Milwaukee Magazine’s Top Dentists of Milwaukee for the past several years. He specializes in preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, with a special focus on implants. Dr. Franzen currently practices at Milwaukee Dental Implants and is reachable on his website or by phone at (414)-543-5432.

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